Saturday, July 31, 2010


So I suck at this whole blog thing....I'm also slacking off with working out, although I do work hard when I go. I've also started going to Zumba, which is really fun. It's pretty much a dance class that makes you forget your exercising with the exception of a song or two. I recommend it to anyone who hates exercising. I also kinda slacked off with my homework and reading last week. That most definitely came back to bite me in the ass. School is almost over, and now I need to put in a lot more effort to end on a good note. I'm quite the procrastinator and usually end up doing all the math review and the studying the night before the are my workouts. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I know that going a mile on the elliptical is different than actually running, but it still took the same amount of time to go a mile. My mile used to be over 10, but now it's under!


Recumbent bike
Fat burner
Level: 10
Distance: 2.8 mi
Time: 8:08 min
Calories burned: 70.5

Hip Adduction
Weight: 65 lbs.
Sets: 10x2

Hip Abduction
Weight: 80 lbs.
Sets: 10x2

Seated Leg Curl
Weight: 55 lbs.
Sets: 10x2

Leg Extension
Weight: 50 lbs.
Sets: 10x2

Leg Press
Weight: 140 lbs.
Sets: 10x2

Lower Back
Weight: 65 lbs.
Sets: 15x

Weight: 50 lbs.
Sets: 10x2

Elliptical machine
Distance: 2.7 mi
Time: 29 min
Calories burned: 314



Recumbent bike
Fat burner
Distance: 2.23 mi
Time: 7:35 min.
Calories burned: 63

Hip Adduction
Weight: 80 lbs.
Sets: 10x

Hip Abduction
Weight: 80 lbs.
Sets: 10x
Weight: 95 lbs.
Sets: 5x
Seated Leg Curl
Weight: 65 lbs.
Sets: 10x

Leg Extension
Weight: 65 lbs.
Sets: 5x
Weight: 60 lbs.
Sets: 10x

Leg Press
Weight: 160 lbs.
Sets: 10x2

Weight: 70 lbs.
Sets: 11x

Lower Back
Weight: 70 lbs.
Sets: 10x

Elliptical machine
Weight loss interval
Distance: 1mi
Time: 9:40 min
Calories burned: 117.8

Total time: 46 minutes

8pm-9pm - ZUMBA!

Recumbent Bike
Burned 60 cal
Time 7 11 min
Distance 2.11 mi
Hip adduction
95 lbs.
Hip abduction
95 lbs.
Seated leg curl
70 lbs.
Leg extension
80 lbs.
Leg press
160 lbs.
180 lbs.
70 lbs.
Lower back
80 lbs.
Biceps curl
35 lbs.
Compound row
65 lbs.
Elliptical machine
Weight loss interval
Distance 3 mi
Time 29:43 min
Calories 349
*9:41 - 1 mile !
Crossrammp- 4 and 8
Resistance - 1 and 8
2 miles! - 20 min
152.6 lbs.
Total time: 57.24 minutes
8pm-9pm - ZUMBA!
Recumbent bike
Time: 8 min
Distance: 2.45 miles
Calories burned: 69.6
Level: 8
Elliptical machine
Weight loss interval
Time: 29 min
Distance: 3 mi
Calories burned: 352

[1 mile! 9:43]
[2 miles! 19:27]

Total time: 37 minutes
Total distance: 5.45 miles
Total calories burned: 421.5

I know that it can take awhile to see results, but this is kind of discouraging. I lost 5 lbs, but I'm not sure where, exactly. I wanted to look better by September, but I'm not sure how that will turn out. Hopefully I'll be able to lose at least 5 more.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


No sleep again tonight...staying up all night and napping during the day seems to have become a habit for me...
I've been watching "The Hills" on Netflix on the Wii and surfing the net. Smart, right? I decided that if I was going to be up this whole time, I might as well get a bit of exercise in. I might go back to the gym later if I have time before I head to Shreveport to see the fam!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010 (at 4 freakin 30 in the a.m.)

I decided to keep it kinda light, so I did mostly ab work.

3 sets of 20

(my abs were already really sore)



Jumping Jacks

Monday, July 19, 2010


I'm new to this, so my blogs suck.....I'm also well aware that they're boring, but like i said before--they're mostly for me. 

I don't know many people up here....especially during summer session. The people I do know are busy or go to Shreveport on the weekends, which leaves me alone in the apartment all weekend. I stayed in bed all of Saturday, and most of Sunday watching Hard Times of RJ Berger and The Hills from season one. I ended up gaining the 3 lbs. back because I didn't really work out this weekend. Fortunately, I seemed to have lost it all already.

Didn't get any sleep last night. Not even a 30-minute nap. I was studying for a math test I probably didn't do too well on.  I got in the shower around 6:30 and decided to go to the gym for about half an hour to 45 minutes before class. I didn't get to do much because I had class at 9:45 and needed to get back to shower.

I didn't have time to do my normal workout because I had class. Here's the workout:

Monday, July 19, 2010

Run to Lambright
Total distance: About .4 miles
Total time: About 4ish minutes
Calories burned: 48

Stairmaster 3800RC Recumbent Bike
Total distance: 2.7 miles
Total time: 7:14 minutes
Calories burned: 77
Level: 10

Hip Adduction
Weight: 65 lbs.
Two sets of 10

Hip Abduction
80 lbs.
One set of 10

Leg Extension
60 lbs.
One set of 10

Hopefully I'll be able to go back today to squeeze in another half hour. I feel like I'm seeing a difference in my calved, but that could be my imagination...anyone in Ruston wanna join me in the fall?

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Something I forgot to mention in the previous post--also trying to get on a normal sleep schedule. That most definitely has an effect.

I'm pretty weak right now, so I'm not lifting a bunch...the weight will go up as time progresses. Also, keep in mind that you're supposed to lift the weights slowly to have an effective workout. That makes a big difference.

I also don't think the apps on my phone are accurate in calculating these things...some things that should be the same are different...

And the distance to the GTM could be wrong...

I worked out the week before when I couldn't sleep---

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010
Total time: 42 minutes
Run to the track: .5 miles
Around the track: ran .5, walked .5, ran .5, walked .25, ran .25 miles
Walk back from the track: .5 miles
Total: about 3 miles

My other app said it was 3.05 miles
Calories burned: 355

Here's the map:

View Running the Tech Track in a larger map

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

Walk to GTM (for class) and walk back (only once b/c I didn't make it to my first class...)
about 1 mile

EA Sports Active
High Intensity workout
30 minutes
173 calories
(I didn't write down all the exercises, but I will in the future)

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Walk to GTM (for class) and walk back 
about 2 miles

Running to Lambright (AWESOME school gym)
Total distance: 0.6 miles
Total time: 7 min (I'm a retard and couldn't find an open door, so I ran around the entire
Calories burned: About 67
Map (To Lambright:)

View To Lambright - 07/14 in a larger map

 Stairmaster 3800RC Recumbent Bike (fat burning workout, i think)
[Different difficulty levels]
Total distance: 2.86 miles (I would've done more, but I have bad knees, and forgot to take Advil before I left.)
Total time: 10:24 minutes
Average speed: 19.2 mph
Calories burned: 200+ (the screen went blank before I could get the exact number)
Level 10 workout

Hip Adduction (works hip adductor group)
70 lbs. - 1 set of 10
60 lbs. - 2 sets of 10 (I switched to 60 lbs. when I realized that I could do more with it at 60 lbs. and still be a workout.)

Leg Extension (works quads)
50 lbs. - 1 set of 10

Leg Press (works quads, hamstrings, and glutes)
140 lbs. - 2 sets of 10

Elliptical machine (works quads, glutes, calves, and hamstrings)
Total distance: 2 miles
Total time: 23:48 minutes
Calories burned: 226.3
Resistance: 1

Walk back from Lambright
Total distance: 0.5 miles
Total time: 11:02 minutes
Calories burned: about 34

Map (From Lambright):

View From Lambright - 07/14 in a larger map


I forgot to time the workout, but it was probably around 45 minutes to an hour, maybe longer.

I got upset a few hours later and went back....

I'm guessing the run and walk to and from Lambright are about the same.

Running to Lambright
Total distance: 0.34 miles
Total time: 3.5 minutes
Calories burned: 38

Elliptical machine
Total distance: 2.06 miles
Total time: 24.05 minutes
Calories burned: 232.4

Walking back from Lambright (I walked back faster than I did the day before, so idk whats up...)
Total distance: about 0.44 miles
Total time: about 7 minutes
Calories burned: about 29 

Total distance: around 10 miles
Total calories burned: over 850 (I don't know how many I burned lifting weights)

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Unfortunately, I didn't get to the gym that day....emotional distress.

That being said....

Walk to GTM (for class) and walk back x2
about 2 miles

Friday, July 16th, 2010

Walk to GTM (for class) and walk back 
about 2 miles

Start: about 3:25 p.m.

Running to Lambright
Total distance: 0.34 miles
Total time: 3.5 minutes
Calories burned: 38

Stairmaster 3800RC Recumbent Bike
Total distance: 1.89 miles
Total time: 6 minutes
Mets burned (the machine had it set to mets instead of calories....didn't notice until i had already started): 7
Level 8 workout

Hip abduction
80 lbs. - 2 sets of 10

Hip adduction
60 lbs. - 2 sets of 10

Leg extension
50 lbs. - 2 sets of 10

Seated leg curl
55 lbs. - 2 sets of 10

Leg press
140 lbs. - 2 sets of 10

65 lbs. - 1 set of 10
50 lbs. - 1 set of 10

Elliptical machine
Total distance: 2.03 miles
Total time: 22:03 minutes
Calories burned: 235
Resistance: 3

Walking back from Lambright (I walked back faster than I did the day before, so idk whats up...)
Total distance: about 0.44 miles
Total time: about 7 minutes
Calories burned: about 29

Total distance: I only went about 5 miles, but it was a more intense workout
Total time: about 1:23 hrs.

minus 3 lbs so far! 

HOPEFULLY I can keep this up.....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Intro (Yeah..I'm actually doing this...)

I should have started working out a long time ago. I played soccer for about 9 years, practicing twice a week and playing games on the weekends. I was in good shape, but I never thought so until I wasn't anymore. I stopped playing in 8th grade but kept the same eating habits, which inevitably led to the extra lbs. The fact that I spent all my time out of school parked on the couch in the prone position watching T.V. most definitely did not help. Neither did the absence of a social life...

I eat a lot. I eat when I'm stressed, I eat when I'm bored, I eat when I'm sad, and usually when I watch T.V. This, obviously, is my downfall. I've also never really had much drive and rarely find anything to really motivate me. That makes it really hard to accomplish all the things I'd like to, including working out, eating right, and schoolwork. It's not like this is something I'm proud of. I never aspired to be a lazy bum. Things sort of changed winter quarter. I changed my major and dropped my art classes, leaving me with math. The extra time gave me time to focus on it and really put in the work, so I made a B. I was behind, and it wasn't easy to catch up, but with hard work and Josh's help, I did okay. I guess that was the start. It felt good to make the grade I deserved, so I tried to keep that up for the rest of the school year.

Not including all the bike rides and walks to class, I worked out two or three times this past school year...usually at 5 a.m. after unnecessary all-nighters. At one point I lost 5-10 lbs just because I didn't have time to overeat while working on math. Unfortunately, I slowly gained the weight back and then some this summer when I had all the extra time on my hands after classes (By the way I made an A and a B during the first summer school session!!).

I recently went through some stuff that put things in perspective. It made me realize that I really needed to make some changes. I'm trying to work harder in my classes and get to the gym, go for a run, or do EA Sports Active twice a day at least 6 times a week. I'm trying to get more in control of myself in general, like controlling anger, letting things roll off my back, and eating habits. Hopefully exercise will replace eating as my outlet.

I have 2 or 3 things that are motivating me to finally do this, but it's mainly for myself.  I finally started to exercise regularly and will be posting my progress. 

SO.....sorry for the rambling. This will most likely be the only time it happens.